Thursday, March 31, 2011


Two of the most common complaints about paintball fields that I see by players on paintball forums are first, it's too expensive and second, fields don't have enough decent amenities. Of course it's really no different than what customers want from any business; more for less.

The market dictates the prices that can be charged by a paintball field. That in turn determines who and how many are willing to supply the facilities. Amenities cost money. Sure it would be nice to have pristine washrooms cleaned hourly. A locker room would be nice too. Preferably with showers stocked with fragrant soap and shampoo. How about Hooter type employees walking around the staging areas supplying free fruit beverages (sorry, can't do the Champagne at a paintball field). The staging area would be heated and cooled with freshly filtered air of course.

Yes, there really is no limit to amenities once you start dreaming. But in the end, it comes down to what the customer is willing to pay for. Since the biggest current complaint about fields is the cost, take a wild guess on when the average field is going to make big improvements on its offerings. Although the more I think about those Hooter type employees, the more I'm believing that might be something that a paintball field's customer demographic would be willing to pay for. do I word that Want ad?

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